ONE80° Hostel Berlin
Otto-Braun-Straße Straße 65, 10178 Berlin, Germany
The ONE80 ° Hostel Berlin is undergoing renovation works for lobby, bedrooms, and bathrooms. In general premises these works are done: wall preparation for wallpapering and wallpapering, changing of broken tiles, changing walls between toilets and old urinals, renovation of damaged walls.
Guest rooms and Corridors are undergoing installation revision doors, walls and ceilings painting. In the guest rooms and corridors, the old carpet is removed, the floor is sanded, cleaned and prepared for the new coating. PVC floring is laid.
Bathrooms undergoing instalation of new shower and toilet separation walls, new urinals, sink and shelves. Renovation of toilet ceilings: old paint is removed, ceilings are covered with new paint. Removal of damaged silicone and replacement with new one.